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Thu 2-Jun-2022 Maryland, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Vanessa moves to Annapolis

Vanessa moves to Annapolis

Now that we have Savanna, we do not need Vanessa. We rented her out a couple of times, but there is not as much call for rentals in the more rural midwest, so we discussed with Andrew and he agreed he would like her and would use her and rent her out through RV Share.

David drove Savanna and Janet drove Vanessa for the 10 hour trip. We stopped one night on the way. We were able to communicate via cell phone.

Once in Annapolis David spent time with Andrew going over the details of how to run Vanessa. Andrew had jokingly wondered whether it took a PhD in Physics to use Vanessa. David had put together a thorough user’s manual, and with Andrew’s BS in Physics and PhD in geology, he should be fine.
